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Welcome to Travel Baba’s blog.

I started travelling 15 years ago. I have visited few countries and discovered magical places. This I would like to share with everyone. That’s why I created this travel blog. You can follow my blog or contact me if you have any questions.

Why you should follow?

For 15 years, I travelled at my own pace, discovered different cultures and met many people. I worked as a tour guide in France, Spain and India. This experience will give you lot of information and give advice to prepare for your future trip.

What you will find here?

from my travel, I know 6 countries very well. France, Spain, India, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand. I also know Istanbul. In this travel blog, I would like to help you discover these countries, their culture and their people. I am a strong advocate of sustainable tourism and cultural immersion. My articles will therefore be oriented in these two directions.

Recurring travel blog content

I will do three types of articles in travel blog

It is an introduction of the country, its culture and the cities and monuments to visit during trip. For big countries like India, I will do a list by state or region.
City talks: These will be more detailed articles on a particular city.
Other content: I also write general articles on all kinds of tourism topics.